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How to Motivate a Child Who is Unmotivated

Writer's picture:  Monica Jerez, MA, LPC Monica Jerez, MA, LPC

"My child is lazy and unmotivated", "My son is not motivated to do anything", "My child misbehaves and has constant anger". These are statements that I hear from parents with unmotivated children.

It can be frustrating, confusing, and anxiety-provoking to watch your child struggle with motivation. You’ve tried everything you can think of to help them, but nothing seems to work.

In this post, I break down reasons why your child might be struggling to complete tasks. I also share my top tips for how to motivate a child who is unmotivated–plus strategies to avoid.

how to motivate a child who is unmotivated

Motivating an unmotivated child can be a challenging and delicate task for parents and caregivers. Whether it's a lack of interest in schoolwork, extracurricular activities, or simply getting things done, understanding how to inspire and ignite motivation in your child is crucial for their personal growth and success.

An unmotivated child does not choose to be unmotivated, there are underlying factors that contribute to the child's behavior.

Motivating an unmotivated child is a journey that requires patience, understanding, and a tailored approach. By understanding your unmotivated teenager, discovering their passions, setting achievable goals, and creating a supportive environment, you can help your child unlock their inner drive and embark on a path of self-discovery and motivation.

Remember that every child is unique, so it's essential to adapt these strategies to suit their individual needs and preferences.

Understanding your unmotivated teenager

Parenting a teenager can be a challenging journey, especially when you're dealing with an unmotivated teenager. If you're facing a situation where your teen seems disinterested, lacks enthusiasm, or struggles with motivation, it's essential to understand the underlying factors that might be contributing to your child's behavior.

Hormonal Changes:

Adolescence is a time of significant hormonal changes, which can affect mood and behavior. Recognize that mood swings and fluctuations in motivation are common during this stage of development.

Academic Pressure:

Teens often face academic pressures, including good grades, school assignments, college applications, and high expectations from parents and schools. These pressures can sometimes lead to demotivation or burnout.

Children have different learning styles and not having the appropriate learning tools can be such a big issue in your child's success. Speaking to your child and child's teacher about their learning style can improve your child's motivation and academic success.

Peer Influence:

Peer influence plays a significant role in a teenager's life. If your teen's friends are not motivated or engage in risky behaviors, this can affect their motivation negatively. We are who we surround ourselves with so look at your teen's friends for guidance in understanding your kids motivation.

Lack of Direction:

Many teenagers struggle with finding their passion or purpose. They may lack clear goals, which can result in demotivation. Encourage them to explore their interests whether it's taking music lessons, playing sports or another particular activity.

Mental Health Concerns:

Mental health issues like depression and anxiety can lead to a lack of motivation. Pay attention to changes in your teen's behavior, and seek therapy.

Communication Barriers:

Open and non-judgmental communication is crucial. Create a safe space for your teenager to express their thoughts, concerns, and feelings without fear of criticism.

Lead by Example:

Be a positive role model by demonstrating motivation and a strong work ethic in your own life. Teens often learn by observing their parents.

Normalize that people experience failure repeatedly because failure is a part of life. Failures do not define us, they make us stronger. Successful failures abound, for anyone who wants to become a successful person. Constant failure is the key to success.

Understanding and supporting an unmotivated kid requires patience, empathy, and a willingness to adapt your parenting approach to their unique needs.

Remember that demotivation is often a temporary phase of adolescence, and with the right guidance and support, your teenager can regain their motivation and find their path to success and fulfillment. Stay engaged, communicate openly, and provide a loving and nurturing environment to help your teenager thrive during this challenging stage of life.

unmotivated teenager

Why is my child unmotivated and lazy?

"Laziness" can be seen as a signal or indicator of various underlying factors, including emotional, physical, or mental needs that require attention. It's not a character flaw but rather a symptom that something may be off-balance in a child's life.

Instead of labeling your child as lazy, let's view them as:

1. In Need of Rest: Sometimes, what appears as laziness is simply your child's body and mind signaling that they need rest and relaxation. In our busy lives, it's essential to recognize the importance of downtime for overall well-being.

2. Feel Overwhelmed: An unmotivated child may be overwhelmed by responsibilities or stressors. Reframing laziness as overwhelmed allows us to offer support and help our children manage their load.

3. Experiencing a Lack of Interest: Child's attitude may appear lazy when they lack enthusiasm for certain tasks or activities. We often avoid a task that we are not interested in because we are avoiding a feeling.

For example, your child might avoid doing their math homework because they struggle in math and feel stupid. They may procrastinate in doing their math homework because they do not want to feel stupid. Instead of judging, we can offer support and let them know struggling in math does not make them stupid.

We all have different strengths. Also explore what truly interests them and encourage pursuits that align with your child's strengths and passions.

4. Coping with Mental Health Challenges: Laziness can be a sign of underlying mental health issues like depression or anxiety. Reframing it as a need for mental health support can encourage empathy and prompt seeking professional help to learn coping skills.

5. Adapting to Change: Life transitions, such as adjusting to new routines or circumstances, can make it seem like someone is being lazy. Recognizing this as a period of adaptation rather than laziness allows for patience and understanding.

6. Balancing Priorities: People often prioritize certain aspects of their lives over others. What may seem like laziness could be a conscious choice to allocate time and energy to what matters most to your child. Work with your unmotivated child to find balance and purpose in their lives with a schedule and routine that will help them be successful at school and home.

unmotivated children

My son is not motivated to do anything. What’s going on?

To help your son, start by having open and non-judgmental conversations with him to better understand what may be contributing to his lack of motivation.

If you notice persistent and concerning changes in his behavior or if he is experiencing emotional distress, it may be helpful to consult with a pediatrician, therapist, or counselor who specializes in working with children.

These professionals can provide valuable insights and guidance to address the specific issues affecting your son's motivation and overall well-being.

Here are some possible reasons your son is not motivated:

Developmental Stage:

Children go through different developmental stages, and it's normal for their energy levels and motivation to fluctuate. Some periods of lower activity and enthusiasm can be part of normal growth.

Lack of Interest:

Your son may not be engaged or interested in the tasks or activities he's expected to do. This can lead to a lack of motivation to participate or put effort into those activities.


Unmotivated kids, adults alike, can become overwhelmed by their responsibilities or expectations. If they feel like there is too much on their plate or that they cannot meet certain demands, they may withdraw or appear unmotivated.

Learning Disorder:

Some children may have learning disabilities or attention disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that make it challenging for them to focus and engage in tasks. These conditions can impact their motivation to learn and perform.

Emotional Issues:

Emotional factors such as stress, anxiety, or depression can lead to a lack of motivation. Unmotivated kids may struggle to find the energy or enthusiasm to engage in activities when dealing with emotional challenges.

Poor Self-Confidence:

Children with low self-esteem and self-confidence may doubt their abilities and be afraid of failure. This fear can lead to a reluctance to try new things or put in effort. With social media, our children often compare themselves to their peers and feel like a constant failure.

Peer Influence:

The influence of peers can be significant during childhood and adolescence. If your son's friends are not motivated or engage in activities that don't align with positive values, it can affect his motivation negatively.

External Pressures:

Pressure from parents, teachers, or peers to perform or meet certain expectations can sometimes backfire and lead to a child's resistance or withdrawal.

Screen Time and Digital Distractions:

Excessive screen time, including smartphones, video games, and social media, can be highly distracting and reduce a child's motivation to engage in other activities.

Lack of Structure:

Children often thrive in environments with routines and structure. A lack of routine can lead to a sense of aimlessness and reduced motivation.

Health Issues:

Physical health problems or sleep disturbances can impact a child's energy levels and motivation. It's essential to consider their overall well-being.

Family Dynamics:

Family issues or conflicts can also impact a child's motivation. An unhealthy family environment or communication problems can contribute to kids lack of motivation.

my son is not motivated to do anything

How to motivate a teenager who is unmotivated

Motivating a teenager can be challenging, but with patience, understanding, and the right strategies, it's possible to help them find their drive. Here are some effective ways to motivate a teenager who appears unmotivated:

Use their passions to find their purpose:

Help your teenager explore their interests and passions. Encourage them to try out different activities, hobbies, and extracurriculars until they find something they are genuinely passionate about.

For example, if your son developed an interest in playing video games after watching videos developed by YouTubers, then exposing your son to careers such as a game developer or a few fields related to their interest is a good way to motivate them to try harder in school. Then, take that career goal and make map out smaller steps to achieve.

how to motivate a teenager who is unmotivated

Strategies to help your unmotivated teenager

Motivating an unmotivated teenager can be a challenging but essential task for parents. Here are some effective strategies to help your teenager find their motivation and thrive:

1. Foster Open and Non-Judgmental Communication:

Create a safe and open space for your teenager to express their thoughts, feelings, and actions without fear of judgment. Provide emotional support without applying excessive pressure.

Let your teenager know that you are there to help and support them, but avoid pushing them too hard. Be a good listener and validate their emotions. We can validate their emotions by saying statements such as "I understand" or "Thank you for letting me know".

2. Understand Their Perspective:

Try to see things from your teenager's point of view. Understanding their motivations, fears, and aspirations can help you connect with them better. No doubt many parents struggle with understanding their child's perspective but understanding does not mean you have to agree. This strategy will also reduce power struggles.

3. Set Reasonable Expectations:

Set achievable goals and expectations. Look at your child's past performance to help you set challenging but achievable tasks. Recognize that teenagers may not always meet your expectations, and it's okay for them to make mistakes and learn from them.

4. Encourage Independence:

Allow your teenager to make decisions and take responsibility for their choices. Encourage them to take ownership of their goals and actions. This will increase their self motivation.

5. Discover Their Passions:

Help your teenager explore their interests and passions. Encourage them to try out different activities, hobbies, and extracurriculars until they find something they are genuinely passionate about. Parents have to tap into their child's interests to help discover their child's strengths.

6. Encourage Goal Setting and Break Goals into Smaller Steps:

Help your teenager break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps. This makes it easier for them to see progress and stay motivated. When a goal looks too big, your teen may feel overwhelmed and lack motivation to continue working on their goals. Smaller steps will increase the time they encounter success and decrease repeated failure.

7. Celebrate Achievements:

Celebrate your teenager's accomplishments, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement can boost their self-confidence and motivation. Sometimes our teens rarely hear "congratulations" or "I'm proud of your work". Words of affirmation for their efforts can keep your child motivated. Note that you are praising the effort and not the child.

8. Be a Positive Role Model:

Demonstrate motivation and a strong work ethic in your own life. Your behavior can serve as a powerful example for your teenager.

9. Limit Screen Time:

Research shows "more than 90% of children older than 2 years play video games, and three-quarters of American households own a video game console" (NIH). Set reasonable limits on screen time, including smartphones, social media, and video games. Encourage alternative activities that promote learning, physical activity, and social interaction.

10. Provide Structure and Routine:

Establish a daily routine in your child's life that includes dedicated study time, household chores and relaxation time. Consistency helps children's executive function skills and develop good habits.

11. Foster a Growth Mindset:

Teach your teenager that setbacks and failures are part of life and opportunities for growth. Encourage them to embrace challenges and learn from their experiences. This will also help your child develop problem solving skills.

12. Seek Professional Help:

If your child lacks motivation frequently and it affects their well-being, seek professional assistance from a therapist who specializes in children/adolescent issues.


Be patient, adapt your approach as needed, and keep the lines of communication open. Your unwavering support and guidance can help your unmotivated teenager discover their potential and navigate the challenges of adolescence.

motivating an unmotivated child

What to avoid when working with your unmotivated child or teenager

Wouldn't it be great if our kids responded to our every instruction and did things exactly (or even better) than expected? The reality is that kids do not have the same conception of things as adults.

They do not necessarily understand why they have to learn about certain things and telling them those things are important is unlikely to make a positive difference.

Here are things to avoid when trying to motivate your teenager:

Judging, Labeling or Comparing:

Avoid using negative labels like "lazy" or "unmotivated" to describe your child. These labels can be hurtful and counterproductive. Comparing your child to their siblings or peers can create resentment and decrease their self-worth.

Instead, focus on understanding their feelings and needs. Listen to your child actively and validate their emotions, even if you don't fully agree.

Overloading with Expectations:

Setting too many expectations or overwhelming your teen with responsibilities can lead to resistance and demotivation. Be mindful of the balance between expectations and what is realistic for them.

Power Struggle

Power struggle creates a confrontational atmosphere. Instead, engage in collaborative discussions and seek compromise. This means avoid lecturing your child, use postive reinforcement, respect their privacy (ask for consent), and do not assume because this can push them further away.

Solve All Their Problems:

While it's natural for parents to want to protect and guide their children, resist the urge to solve all your teenager's problems. Encourage their problem solving skills.

Mental Health:

If your teenager is struggling with mental health issues, don't ignore or dismiss them. Find a therapist.Remember that each child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another.

Be patient, don't give up easily, adapt your approach as needed, and keep open communication. Your unwavering support and guidance can help your unmotivated child discover their potential and navigate the challenges of adolescence.

teenager with therapist

Therapy can help your unmotivated teenager or child

Seeking therapy for an unmotivated child can be a proactive and beneficial step in addressing underlying issues and helping them overcome their lack of motivation. Here are several reasons why therapy may be necessary for an unmotivated child:

Identifying Underlying Causes:

A child's lack of motivation can be a symptom of deeper emotional, psychological, or behavioral issues. Therapy can help uncover and address these underlying causes, such as depression, anxiety, trauma, or learning disabilities.

Emotional Well-being:

Unmotivated children may be experiencing emotional distress or turmoil that they don't know how to express. Therapy provides a safe space for them to talk about their feelings, fears, and concerns with a therapist who can help them process and manage their emotions.

Building Self-Esteem:

Therapy can boost a child's self-confidence. Poor self-esteem can contribute to a lack of motivation, as children may doubt their abilities and fear failure. A therapist can help them develop a more positive self-image.

Coping Skills:

Therapists can teach children healthy coping skills and resilience techniques to deal with stress, frustration, and challenges. These skills can empower them to face obstacles with greater confidence and motivation.

Family Life:

Sometimes, family's conflicts can contribute to a child's lack of motivation. Therapy can involve the family in sessions to improve communication, resolve family's conflicts, and create a more supportive and motivating environment at home.

Behavioral Issues:

If a child's lack of motivation is leading to disruptive or negative behaviors at home, in school, or with peers, therapy can help address these behaviors and provide strategies for more positive and productive ways of coping.

Academic Struggles:

If the lack of motivation is primarily related to schoolwork, a therapist can work with the child to address learning disorders, study habits, or test anxiety. Your child may also have undiagnosed learning disorders which can decrease your child's motivation to succeed in school.

Therapy can help address your child's learning disorder and provide strategies to them be a successful person.

Peer Relationships:

Therapy can assist children in developing healthier peer relationships and social skills. This can boost their motivation, as they may become more engaged in activities that involve their peers.

Setting and Achieving Goals:

Therapists can help children set realistic and achievable goals, breaking down larger objectives into manageable steps. This can instill a sense of accomplishment and motivation as they make progress.

Personal Growth:

Therapy is a valuable tool for personal growth and self-discovery. It can help children explore their interests, passions, and values, ultimately leading to a more motivated and fulfilling life.


A licensed therapist or counselor can work with both the child and their parents to develop strategies and solutions tailored to the child's specific needs and circumstances.

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